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英美文學、文學理論、性別研究、醫療人文研究、動物倫理、英文閱讀與寫作教學、AI 輔助英語教學
English and American literature, literary theories, gender studies, medical humanities, animal ethics, English reading and writing, AI/Computer-assisted English teaching
國立臺灣大學外國語文學系博士 (2013~2020)
2024.8~ 國立暨南國際大學外國語文學系專任助理教授
2024.2-7 逢甲大學外國語文學系兼任助理教授
2022.8~2024.7 淡江大學英文學系兼任助理教授
2021.1-7、2022.1~2023.12 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系博士級研究人員
2020.7-12 國立交通大學醫療人文跨領域研究中心博士級研究人員
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2021.12. “‘We Are No Longer Quite Ourselves’: Rethinking Vulnerability in Virginia Woolf’s ‘Street Haunting: A London Adventure.’” Tamkang Review 52.1: 99-122. (THCI)
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2020.12. “Rethinking Equality: Toward an Ethics of Vulnerable Subjectivity in Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own.” Feminist Studies in English Literature 28.3: 142-70. (Korean Citation Index)
王榆晴。2019 年 3 月。〈「這條狗就是這條路」:吳爾芙狗傳記《福樂喜》的流變實踐與危命易受性〉。《中外文學》48.1:87-126。(THCI, ESCI)
王榆晴。〈吳爾芙的受弱書寫:《達洛威夫人》中危命共群的倫理關係性〉。《文學、 視覺文化與醫學:醫療人文研究論文集》。馮品佳主編。台北:書林,2020。 207-42。
Wang, Yu-Ching. “After the End: Moral Utopianism in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.” Apocalypse Revisited: A Critical Study on End Times. Ed. Melis Mulazimoglu Erkal. Oxford: The Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015; Leiden: Brill, 2019. 87-97. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9781848883406_010
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2023.12. “A Labor of Love? Reciprocity of Caring in Doris Lessing’s The Diary of a Good Neighbor.” The Thirteenth Quadrennial International Conference on Comparative Literature: Comparative Literature in an Era of Pandemics: Medicine, Health and the Environment.” New Taipei City: Tamkang University.
王榆晴。2023 年 10 月。〈萊辛的《老嫗與她的貓》:照顧的多重張力與偶然〉。第 31 屆英美文學國際學術研討會:譜寫「照/顧」:想像、行動與理論,台南國立成功大 學。
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2022.12. “Crip Autoimmunity: Rethinking Care of the Selves.” Calamities, Challenges, Conflicts, and Crises: Rethinking Medical Humanities. Hsinchu: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
王榆晴。2022 年 10 月。〈悅納異己的倫理實踐:努涅斯小說《摯友》與《告訴我, 你受了什麼苦?》的親屬創造與相互照護〉。第 30 屆英美文學研討會:(不) 好客的年代,高雄國立高雄師範大學。
王榆晴。2021 年 6 月。〈吳爾芙的《歐蘭多》與氣候變遷的重新纏繞〉。第 43 屆全 國比較文學年會:綠異想,台東國立台東大學。
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2021.6. “‘Nature Takes Part’: Reconfiguring Kinship Trouble in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts.” 30th Annual Virginia Woolf Studies Conference: Profession and Performance. Vermillion: University of South Dakota.
王榆晴。2019 年 11 月。〈「自然參與在其中」:吳爾芙《幕間》之共群批判與歷史 反思〉。第 27 屆英美文學國際學術研討會:躁動,嘉義國立中正大學。
Wang, Yu-Ching. 2018.6. “Streetwalking Postwar London: Ex-stasis and Community in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway.” 28th Annual Virginia Woolf Studies Conference: Virginia Woolf, Europe and Peace. Canterbury: University of Kent.
王榆晴。〈「那裡沒有父親」:吳爾芙《福樂喜》中的吾家—無家—(新)吾家〉。第 25 屆英美文學國際學術研討會:吾/無家,台中國立中興大學。2017 年 10 月。
Wang, Yu-Ching. “‘This Dog Is the Road’: Affectivity and Vulnerability in Virginia Woolf’s Flush.” 10th International Deleuze Studies Conference (Taking Flight: Assembling, Becoming, Queering). Toronto: Wilfrid Laurier University. June 2017.
王榆晴。〈吳爾芙的微/危命摺學:談《芙勒栩》的人—物〉。第 39 屆全國比較文學 年會:人非人 物非物,台中國立中興大學。2017 年 5 月。
Wang, Yu-Ching. “Wandering in Memories: Negotiation of Self and Landscape in Wim Wenders’s Paris, Texas.” 24th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association: “Backward Glances: History, Time, Memory.” Hsinchu: National Chiao Tung University. October 2016.
---. “Walking in the City: Emergence of Life and Landscape in Satoshi Miki’s Adrift in Tokyo.” 9th International Deleuze Studies Conference: Virtuality, Becoming and Life. Rome: University of Rome Tre. June 2016.
王榆晴。〈固置、移動、湧現:布魯斯・查特文《巴塔哥尼亞高原上》的地景雜糅 性〉。第 38 屆比較文學會議:文‧物,台中東海大學。2016 年 5 月。
Wang, Yu-Ching. “After the End: Moral Utopianism in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.” 3rd Global Conference: Apocalypse: Imagining the End. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford. July 2014.
---. “Multiple Pleats: (Un)settling British National Identity in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline.” Shakespearean Journeys: Inaugural Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association. Taipei: National Taiwan University; National Taiwan Normal University. May 2014.
2024.8~2025.7 國立暨南國際大學113學年度水煙紗漣文學獎推動委員會委員
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